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Novo patch de Dark Souls II terá mudanças de stats em equipamentos e diminuição de dano de magias, milagres e hexes

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Parece que a From Software está mesmo decidida a ferrar com as builds de magias e de milagres da galera. Depois do patch astronômico que rolou em julho, para o segundo DLC Crown of the Old Iron King, que será lançado amanhã, teremos mais correções e mudanças radicais. Segundo o site oficial, teremos uma correção na parte final da Undead Crypt e diminuição de danos causados em diversos escudos, sugerindo que eles estarão mais fortes.
Mas a parte pior é, novamente, na diminuição de dano das magias e milagres, como a Soul Geyser (que causava um dano brutal dependendo da build do jogador), Lightning Spear e Great Lightninig Spear (danos razoáveis, mas que foi bem nerfada em quantidade de magias num dos patchs anteriores), Fire Whip, Resonant Soul e Great Resonant Soul (se é pra nerfar então que as Hexes mais poderosas sejam nerfadas também!) e outras modificações. O patch só não detalha direito se o dano é do ataque ou se o dano diminuído é na hora de receber o dano de algum oponente, mas acho mais provável a primeira opção.
Decidi copiar o patch-note inteiro e postar abaixo para fins de manter um histórico, e no site oficial tem outras infos e listagem de um patch anterior. A página é um pouco confusa, e acho que seria uma boa a From Software ter um blog oficial com esse tipo de informações e dentro do site oficial da série, similar ao Tumblr oficial da Bandai Namco, que sempre tem novidades da empresa. De qualquer jeito se prepare pro patch, que tem 934 MB de tamanho no PS3, já está disponível para download automático no console, e nas outras plataformas o tamanho do patch deve ser similar. Também acredito que o DLC estará embutido no patch, e lembrando que cada pacote custa 10 dólares na PSN Store americana.

We would like to thank everyone for your patronage and support of Dark Souls II. This message is to
inform all users of the refinements to gameplay that will be made with the next Version and Calibrations update.
Update Schedule:
– PlayStation3 & STEAM versions
8/25 7:00 to 10:00AM GMT
– Xbox 360
8/25 7:00 to 11:00AM GMT
– Xbox 360:
When the online server goes back onlin, all Versions and Calibrations will be updated. Once users
have downloaded and installed the updates, you will see the following displayed in the upper right corner of the Title Screen:
– PlayStation3 & Xbox 360
Ver. 1.07
Calibrations 1.10
Ver. 1.05
Calibrations 1.10
Keep in mind that the Version numbers for STEAM and the PlayStation3/Xbox 360 differ, but that
the content of the games is equivalent.
The following fixes, changes, and refinements are included in the update:
• Undead Crypt: Fixed the bell not ringing if you continuously attack the bell that appears after Ledia’s shaman appears.
Adjustments that will be made with Calibrations 1.10 (all following changes):
• Balanced fatal blows done on other players in online multiplayer
• Spell parry time and area of effect has been raised:
o Cleric’s Parma
o Cleric’s Small Shield
o Cursed Bone Shield
o Spirit Tree Shield
o Golden Wing Shield
o Shield of the Insolent
o Grand Spirit Tree Shield
• Spell parry time has been raised:
o King’s Mirror
• Lowered damage caused by the following weapons:
o Defender’s Shield
o Havel’s Greatshield
o Gyrm Greatshield
o Dragonrider Greatshield
• Lowered defense of:
o Gyrm Helm
o Gyrm Warrior Helm
o Gyrm Warrior Greathelm
o Smelter Demon Helm
o Velstadt’s Helm
o Black Witch Robe
• Raised effect of:
o Stone Ring
• Changed so the effect does not apply to spells:
o Red Tearstone Ring
• Raised defense against enemies in offline play only (multiplayer not affected)
o Ring of Steel Protection
• Lowered effect of:
o Clear Bluestone Ring +2
• Raised casting time and lowered strength of:
o Soul Spear
• Raised casting time, lowered strength, raised required magic slots, and raised usage count for:
o Crystal Soul Spear
• Lowered effectiveness of:
o Strong Magic Shield
• Lowered damage of:
o Soul Geyser
o Soul Shower
o Lightning Spear
o Great Lightning Spear
o Sunlight Spear
o Emit Force
o Blinding Bolt
o Heavenly Thunder
o Fire Whip
o Affinity
o Scraps of Life
o Resonant Soul
o Great Resonant Soul
• Spells “Sacred Oath” and “Bountiful Sunlight”
o Casting this on one’s self will now diffuse all support effects
o Having it cast by someone else will not diffuse other support effects
o Casting spells on yourself to create other support effects after having these used will diffuse the effect of the above spells
(players cannot use the effects of these spells in conjunction with other effects from spells they cast on themselves)
• Spells “Numbness” and “Resonant Flesh”
o Casting this on one’s self will now diffuse all support effects
o Casting spells on yourself to create other support effects after having these used will diffuse the effect of the above spells
(players cannot use the effects of these spells in conjunction with other effects from spells they cast on themselves)

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